The KPI Forge Amazon AMI is now available for public use. You can Search for "KPIForge" in the community AMI's to find this image. This AMI is free to use, and the KPI Forge team is available for paid consulting for advanced setup and Highly Available (HA) architectures.
This Image Contains Apache Hop 2.10.0, Apache Superset 4.02, Amazon Corretto Java 17, and PostgreSQL 15.
***This Image is NOT designed to be a production system. It is Also NOT SECURE. The image should be used as a proof of concept only.
PreRequisites for use:
Amazon instance with at least 2 CPU's and 4GB of RAM
A security group with inbound ports open for 8088 (superset), and 9091(Hop Server)
Choose this AMI
Choose this Instance Type or Larger
Choose your own existing Key Pair, or create a new one.
Create a new Security group, or use an existing one.
Configure at least 8GB on your root volume
Configure these inbound rules
Once launched, you should see this as a running instance.
Be sure to connect using your PEM, and be sure to connect using the "ec2-user" instead of the "root" user.
To Start Apache Hop Server. Navigate to /app/hop, then start hop in a background Process
cd /app/hop
sudo ./ 9091 &
You can now navigate to port 9091 on your instance to see hop server running:
Login Username: cluster
Login Password: cluster
Starting Apache Superset:
Superset is on this image, but it does take a few commands to get it running. In future images we will setup a service to start and stop superset. In the meantime, here are the steps needed.
Once logged into your Amazon instance perform the following commands one by one.
sudo python3 -m venv venv
pip install apache-superset
superset db upgrade
export FLASK_APP=superset
superset fab create-admin
superset load_examples
superset init
nohup superset run -h -p 8088 --with-threads --reload --debugger &
Once these commands have completed, you can now access superset via your EC2 Instance on port 8088
UserID: admin Password: admin
You will now be logged in and have access to the Out Of The Box Dashboards that come with Superset
Postgres 15
PostgreSQL V15 is already running on this image.
UserId: postgres
Password: postgres
If you want to use this as a data source, you will need to configure the pg_hba.conf file to allow connections from, or from external addresses. The Postgres user is set to "ident" within the current pg_hba.conf file. You will need to change this to "trust" to allow connections from Superset
*** The SuperSet installation is NOT using this PostgreSQL database as its metadata storage layer. KPI forge provides paid consulting packages to do this setup.
Our Recommendation is to use an external Database like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or another RDS based database.
808Once8 --with-threads --reload --debugger &
Please consider this a Beta version of this BI stack. We look forward to recommendations and ideas to make these great Open Source products a part of your BI solution!